Consulting to translate relevant information into effective action
Why? Because those who hold the levers of public decision-making are nowadays the target of constant requests, and it's becoming difficult to make one's voice heard in the midst of the ambient noise. Broad-spectrum solicitations rarely reach their target.
We are convinced that the quality of the advice we provide depends to a large extent on the accuracy of our upstream diagnosis and our analysis of current information and situations. We implement precision lobbying. The ability to detect early signals and windows of opportunity is a matter of expertise and sensitivity, honed over time, provided that certain tasks are not delegated or automated.
For us, it all starts with a passion for politics. We have a thorough understanding of how institutions work. But we also know that this is only one side of the coin when it comes to public decision-making. For public decision-making is a living thing. It is embodied in men and women whose roles and effective power to influence are by definition unstable, and unfolds in an equally fluctuating global environment that must be constantly monitored.
Our mission: to increase your capacity for influence over the long term.
Our public affairs services
Analysis of the political, institutional and legislative environment: political, parliamentary, regulatory and territorial monitoring.
Mapping at all levels of decision-making.
Drafting of situation analysis and prospective notes.
Definition of strategic positioning and messages.
Production of arguments and talking points.
Elaboration of training modules for political practice.
Deployment of institutional and political outreach plans.
Legislative and regulatory interventions.